UK pet rescue centres urgently need your help - here's what you can do

The current lockdown measures and coronavirus pandemic are having an effect on a range of businesses, but charities are suffering too, including pet rescue centres.

The majority of these need donations in order to continue to be able to look after abandoned animals, and now there's a way for the public to help.

Voice of Crufts, Peter Purves and Lintbells (a pet supplement company), have joined forces to create an urgent emergency fundraising appeal that will deliver vital finance to pet rescue charities severely affected by Covid-19.


The #RescueYourRescue campaign will help over 100 pet rescue charities around the UK, and aims to initially raise £250,000.

Pet rescue centres are facing closure due to a lack of funding and lost revenue as a consequence of Covid-19. The loss of funds attributed to adoption fees, centre visits, charity shop sales and fundraising events has left the future of pet rescue charities hanging in the balance.

#RescueYourRescue will urgently raise funds to immediately help safeguard the future of pet rescue charities and the animals that rely on them. Lintbells are immediately donating £10,000 to launch the appeal.

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A rapid response is required to help protect the health and welfare of the nation's resc