This is the story of Hanukkah - and how it could be celebrated in 2020

While TV adverts and shops focus on Christmas celebrations at this time of year, as the Jewish festival of Hanukkah also falls  in December.

However, the UK will still be under Covid restrictions during Hanukkah as the celebrations come before Christmas bubbles are allowed, from 23 – 27 December.

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Hanukkah is usually a big celebration in the Hebrew calendar, but what is the story, and how do people celebrate? This is what you need to know.

What is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is an eight-day festival when Jewish people celebrate taking back on of the two temples of Jerusalem they had owned. 

A Syrian king named Antiochus took the temple from them and refused to allow any worship of God, instead ordering them to worship a statue of him. 

This was against the ten commandments, one of which reads ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before Me’, meaning you cannot worship a god other than the Lord. 

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