The UK's new quarantine rules come into effect from today - here's how they work

The UK's new quarantine rules for incoming travellers come into force today (8 June), with arrivals into the country now having to undergo a mandatory 14-day period of self-isolation.

The measure is being introduced to prevent new infections from imported cases.

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Travellers must fill in a form with their contact information and the address of their accommodation, which health officials will use to perform spot checks to ensure compliance.

The measures apply not just to those arriving by air travel, but by other means of transport such as ferry.

Here's everything you need to know:

How does it all work?

If you arrive in the UK from 8 June onwards, you must complete a 'Public Health passenger locator form' before you travel.

You cannot submit the form until 48 hours before you’re due to arrive in the UK.

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You’ll need to show your completed form when you arrive at the UK border, either by printing a copy, or showing it on your phone.

Once in the UK, you'll need to go straight to the place you’re staying, only using public transport if you have no other option.

If you do have to use public transport, you will have wear something that covers your nose and mouth, and stay 2 metres apart from other people.

Once you have arrived at your declared address, you must self-isolate there for 14 days, where you can have food and other necessities delivered.

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You should not have visitors, including friends and family, unless they are providing essential care.

The only friends and family who you can have contact with are those who travelled with you or people who you are staying with.

You cannot go out to work or school or visit public areas. You should not go shopping. If you require help buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, you should ask friends or relatives or order a delivery.