
George Sunderland, Heathlands

Services at St John’s Church, Westfield for September are posted outside on the church notice board.

Friends of Westfield Parish Church have 2 events planned. Their AGM will be held in the church on Saturday November 9th at 2pm. There is a guest speaker – Amanda Helm – who will give an interesting & informative talk on “Ornithology in Publishing”. Tea & coffee will be served & you can take the opportunity to pay your annual subscriptions to the Treasurer Roger Bowe. On Saturday 30th November the “Friends” hold their annual & very popular Christmas Fayre. From 2-4pm, in the Parish Hall, there will be a number of stalls including cakes, cards, books, wooden items as well as there being a raffle & tombola. Any donations of saleable items or raffle prizes will be most welcome, please contact 754355 ot email [email protected]

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Westfield Horticultural Society - The chairman would draw your attention to our outing to Sheffield Park for Autumn colours on 19th October, and the A.G.M. on Wednesday 23rd October @ 7.30p.m. in the Community Hall dining area.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Scout Group’s Jumble Sale on Saturday, which raised a welcome £ 224..

The Scout Group’s Pet Show due to be taking place tomorrow Saturday, October 12, is not now happening.

The Friendship Club who meet in the Parish Hall from 2.0 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. have their Autumn dates; October 14th, 28th, November llth, 25th and December 9th which will be our Christmas party. They would be pleased to see new members who will be given a very warm welcome.

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Community Speed Watch volunteers for Westfield. Information from Sussex Police invites villages to set up groups of volunteers to carry out this worthwhile speed check. I am sure you will all agree that some motorists travel far too fast through our village and we need to do something to help change their behaviour. Villages that have already taken part in a speed watch initiative report that there has been a noticeable reduction in speeding. Initially, I am looking for expressions of interest, volunteers need to have some free time to participate in initial training by the police and then become part of a group of ideally 10 who would operate the equipment on a rota basis. Unfortunately, if there is insufficient interest it will not be cost effective for the police to deliver training. To find out more See http://www.westfieldvillage.co.uk/node/4527

If you can help Westfield Football Club in any way please contact the club. They are presently putting things in place to ensure both local football opportunities at all levels & for all ages with the 1st team playing in Senior Football. Therefore if you would like to offer one off or ongoing support, both on & off the pitch, before during or after games please get in touch with the Secretary on [email protected]

The Youth Club offers a great time. It runs on Wednesdays from 6.30-8pm. You need to be a member, so contact Dan 07899917952 to register.

St Michael’s Hospice Neighbours has a campaign in the village. This scheme is looking for people to volunteer their time by giving a few hours a week, fortnight or month on a day and time that suits them, within their local area, to help with everyday tasks such as putting out the washing, walking the dog, cooking and daily chores – or just chatting over a cuppa. The first Westfield volunteers are being trained, but more are needed. Please contact Jane Cave on 01424 445177 ext. 6012, or email [email protected] if you think you can help.

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The F3 women’s group meets on a regular basis in the village.

Westfield Beavers are now full & taking names for a waiting list.

Westfield Women’s Institute meets on Tuesdays, ring 01424 754013 for more information.

Sainsbury’s vouchers for Westfield School can be dropped into the new look “Westfield News & Village Store” where Richard & Dan will happily collect them from you.

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The Westfield HUB meets at ‘The Plough’ on Fridays from 10am to 12noon. A warm and friendly welcome and a decent cup of tea/coffee are assured at the Hub every Friday morning between 10am and midday.’

Neighbourhood Watch – Coordinators are required to cover Churchfields, Cottage Lane, Main Road, New Cut & New Moorsite. For more information please contact our village PCSO Richard Perchard on 07796336862 or [email protected]

What would you like to see included in the village website? The Westfield village website team members are always looking for ways to improve this community website. Please help by completing our short feedback survey. The link is on the home page of www.westfieldvillage.co.uk

To send information for the Westfield Village Voice, please email [email protected]