West Broyle mother calls for heart screening for young people

Yasmin CalderaYasmin Caldera
Yasmin Caldera
A MOTHER is calling for people to get screened for hidden dangers after her daughter died from an undiagnosed heart problem.

Nicky Caldera, from West Broyle, is campaigning after her 18-year-old daughter Yasmin died last July from a heart defect.

There were no warning signs and nothing to suggest anything was wrong.

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“It’s just so devastating to lose a child at 18 who is fit and healthy,” said Nicky.

Yasmin CalderaYasmin Caldera
Yasmin Caldera

“You read about it in the paper – all those people who drop down at rugby matches – but you don’t hear about the ones that die in their sleep”.

According to the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young at least 12 apparently fit and healthy people die in the UK each week from undiagnosed heart conditions.

Yasmin had been studying at Havant College and was about to go to Sri Lanka to carry out charity work when she passed away.

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“She’s left a massive, massive hole in our family. We all miss her so much,” said Nicky.

It has been nearly eight months since Yasmin died and her family are still struggling to come to terms with the loss.

“It’s been 32 weeks and a day,” said Nicky on Friday (March 6), “It just feels so surreal still.”

She is trying to ensure other young people and their families do not have to go through what her family has.

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There is a screening day at Havant College on April 14, but a deadline of March 13 to sign up.

There needs to be 100 people or the day cannot go ahead.

It is open to all 14-35 year olds and costs £40. £35 goes to CRY and £5 goes towards The Yasmin Caldera Trust, a charity Nicola and her family are hoping to set up to prevent other young people dying from hidden heart problems.

As well as working to raise awareness of the importance of screening, it will also look to get defibrillators more readily available at sporting fixtures.

“We’re looking to see what we can do to so no other family has to go through this,” Nicky said.

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To get screened on April 14 email marion.macgregor@havant.ac.uk by Friday, March 13.

The screening involves a 12-lead ECG machine detecting the electrical activity of the heart.