Greenfield development on outskirts of Uckfield approved

Proposals to build houses on a greenfield site on the outskirts of Uckfield have been given the go ahead by Wealden planners.

At a virtual meeting on Thursday (June 25), Wealden District Council’s planning committee north approved proposals to build two detached, three-bedroom houses off of Snatts Road in Uckfield.

While the site lies outside of Uckfield’s development boundary (which runs along the other side of Snatts Road), planning officers had recommended the scheme should be approved as the council cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of housing supply.

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This view was not shared by Uckfield Ridgewood councillor Gary Johnson (Con), however. He said: “I am not keen on this. It looks like somebody has cleared some woodland, drained out a pond and now wants to build two houses there.

“I know we are being told it is on the edge of the development boundary, but my understanding is what that means is it is outside the development boundary. 

“I understand the pressures we are under for land supply. Well, Uckfield has already got at least 1,100 houses coming its way and potentially more if I don’t manage to fend it off.

“On balance I am against this development.”

Cllr Johnson also raised concerns about the safety of Snatts Road, describing it as “very bendy”.