
FOOTBALL: We had a few good evenings following England's fortunes in the World Cup and there was quite some excitement following the 6-1 match. Of course things have gone very quiet since the Croatia defeat but it has been a good tournament. Other sporting fans are glued to multimedia soaking up Wimbledon. Probably not such a bad thing as the sun is still fairly scorching outside much of the day. (scorchio, was that Python?)

JAMES IS BACK: From cycling in the Himalayas in one piece. He missed the allotment AGM that went ahead this week with a couple of new members who are trying their luck with the vegetables. Piddinghoe is so lucky to have allotments. Apparently, there are eggs for sale nearby too.

THE HIGH TEA: Went well thanks to Sheila, Mel and the cake makers and eaters. Perhaps next year we will be back to a barbecue but sitting out in a blazing sun on the Hoe might be a problem if the heat is anything like this year.

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THE GARDENS: Are taking a hammering. At the moment not even the grass is growing, only the weeds and even these are drying up. There have been reports of conifers dying and people are concerned about hose pipe use. The water companies say the reservoirs are full from all the rain over the winter and spring and that a ban would only come into force next year if we have a dry winter. Other sources seem to think a ban might be in place sooner.

WATER LEAK: There was a case in the village of an undetected water leak, which following the installation of the new water meters, resulted in an enormous bill; almost a thousand pounds worth. This is a cautionary tale, keeping an eye on your meter and what your water usage is costing might need to become a habit.

CHURCH CLOSURES: We are still waiting to hear about the future of St John’s Church as one of three churches under threat of closure in the diocese. The church may be available for rent as a rehearsal space if you make enquiries. It has a very good acoustic, live but not boomy. Classical musicians are very welcome.

RACING PIGEON: A racing pigeon has turned up in the garden on Harping Hill with two ankle rings, one orange the other blue. It looks as though it may have been nicked by the shot from an air rifle but, apart from a scratch through the feathers under its chin, it is fine. It arrived and jumped in the pool. It lodged itself in the drain slot to the pump, clearly it thinks it’s a duck, I suppose the slot does look rather like a pigeon fanciers box, a watery one. It was quite a rigmarole getting the pigeon out but it seemed remarkably unflustered by the whole thing. It is now known as Jemima/Jerome. Perhaps he/she was a Stirling Moss of the racing world before being knocked off course.

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BEE KEEPERS: Are there any bee keepers in the village? Number on the noticeboard would be helpful.

THE MERMAID: Is still not finished, though looking good. Lampedusa’s the Siren is being offered to illicit some more enthusiasm.

OPEN GARDENS: We are enjoying the open garden season along the Ouse Valley and hope Piddinghoe re-considers this next year. Rodmell’s offering was rather fine particularly the Pimms late on in the proceedings. The fantastic Hydrangea Petiolaris on the manor house and the dark mauve Papaver in the Pimms garden were particular favourites.

PILATES: As usual Saturday morning we have three pilates classes in the village hall, running consecutively for an hour each, starting at 8.15am.

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GAMES EVENING: Wednesday we have the games evening starting at 7.30pm in the village hall. Everyone is welcome.

ART CLUB: Thursday afternoon 2pm until 4pm is Art Club. Tea and cake too.