Uckfield to Lewes rail campaigner says MP Maria Caulfield has been 'hung out to dry' by Government over link

Rail link bidRail link bid
Rail link bid
Uckfield line vow to keep fighting after their proposals to create a new coast-City rail link via Uckfield and Tunbridge Wells hit the buffers.

Campaign lead Brian Hart, who edits Missing Link newsletter on behalf of the Wealden Line Campaign, told the Express: “The Government has dismissed our application for fundraising as part of the so-called - Restoring Your Railway’ (RYR) programme. In a communication to Lewes MP Maria Caulfield, the DfT letter signed by Transport Minister Chris Heaton-Harris indicated the proposal did not ‘set out the case sufficiently for it to be recommended for further funding.’ One of the reasons given was that passenger numbers on the Brighton main line are not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels.

“We are not deterred by the latest dismissal. The RYR programme appears to be a crude vote-buying exercise. I am sorry for Maria who put a lot of effort into this and has been hung out to dry.

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“I can’t resist letting off steam about the ungrateful so-and-so’s in the North who believe we get all we want in the ‘undeserving South’ where housing and living costs are far higher here while wages are the same. The county’s GDP is comparable with Cumbria. We are the most congested part of the UK and deserve ‘greener transport.’ Next month the nine-day closure of the Brighton main line will cause howls of anguish.”

Brian emphasised: “The line closure in 1969 remains a running sore and it’s a pity we’ve never had politicians with the gumption to put things right once and for all.”

The BLM2 project aims to extend the Uckfield-London Bridge track to run from Brighton to Stansted. Brian and his team have walked the route into and through London and explained the project’s feasibility to potential funders, all prepared to provide substantial capital sums.

The Government letter went on: “There are no further Ideas Funds rounds planned. However it is my aim that feedback will help you reconsider your proposal so you are ready to take future opportunities.’

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