Horsham mum to run again for charity supporting son with life-limiting condition

Linda Siqi Zhao, Emily Vowels, Maxine Foster, Stephanie
Beverton and Frank Sinclair SUS-200224-144218001Linda Siqi Zhao, Emily Vowels, Maxine Foster, Stephanie
Beverton and Frank Sinclair SUS-200224-144218001
Linda Siqi Zhao, Emily Vowels, Maxine Foster, Stephanie Beverton and Frank Sinclair SUS-200224-144218001
A Horsham mum whose son has a life-limiting condition will be putting on her running shoes once more for a charity which has supported her through her darkest days.

Maxine Foster will run the Mercer Surrey Half Marathon on Sunday, March 8, alongside a team of friends who together hope to raise £1,000 for Harrison’s Fund.

The Surrey-based charity funds research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy – a rare genetic condition which Maxine’s son, Austin, was diagnosed with in 2015.

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Since the diagnosis, Maxine has undertaken four marathons, three half marathons and a 10k sponsored run to thank the charity.

Maxine said: “The reason I am back out there lacing up my trainers once more and doing this is so that my little boy and the thousands of others like him can have a chance at a life beyond childhood. They deserve that.