We want to see

I SEE that the charge for seeing the sea from the Look & Sea tower is now £1.50, which is not as absurdly high as it used to be, but still high enough to explain why the tower usually looks empty when the cafe below is full.

But what really fascinates me is the notice warning that no photographs can be taken without a completed registration form.

Just for the heck of it, I went in and asked for a form on a recent sunny Saturday mid-morning.

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No-one on duty could find a form or knew about them – which surely tells a lot about how many tourists are looking and seeing.

Come back or phone Monday, I was told, which is a fat lot of use for weekend visitors.

I guess someone dreamed up the registration obstacle course to deter professional photographers who might want to take a picture of the view and use it to encourage people to visit Littlehampton.

But would any professional snapper really want to shoot through the obviously dirty glass windows?

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So will someone from Arun please tell us the logic of this visitor-unfriendly policy?

Barry Fox,

Belsize Grove,

London, NW3

COMMENT: Look & Sea manager Nick Carter replied: "There is no longer a need for photographers to register before taking photographs and the sign, which was incorrectly sited, has been removed.

"The tower and exhibition are still very popular and new attractions are being added in time for the summer holidays."


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