LETTER: ‘Plan-led’ scheme, or ‘developer-led’?

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Remember how Claire Vickers et al have been banging on about how the proposed North Horsham Development was ‘plan-led’ and certainly not ‘developer-led’?

Well, at the North Horsham Parish meeting last week a fellow local resident told me he had visited the exhibition in Swan Walk and spoke to Claire Vickers and Helena Croft.

He asked them the question “Who approached who first…. did Horsham District Council contact Liberty initially, or was it vice versa?” It’s a question I’m sure lots of people would like answered.

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Councillors Vickers and Croft prevaricated, of course, but when pressed for an answer admitted that Liberty made the first approach, saying words to the effect that they (Liberty) thought that parcel of land just to the north of the A264 looked ripe and ideal for development. I bet they did! A nice area of greenfield land, easy to concrete over and with none of the profit-endangering problems of building on brownfield sites.

Now, HDC (and particularly Claire Vickers) have always maintained this plan for developing north of Horsham was ‘plan-led’ and not ‘developer-led’. Well, if Liberty’s initial approach doesn’t lead one to the conclusion that this whole thing is ‘developer-led’, I’m a Dutchman!


Dorking Road, Warnham

Response from Claire Vickers:

The author