LETTER: Inspector lines up key questions

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Further to your article on the planning pubic inquiry into HDC’s Proposed Housing Strategy (Horsham edition, 18.9.14, p7) I went on the council’s planning framework website.

I see that the Inspector, Mr Salter, has quickly absorbed more than 3,000 responses and distilled the issues down to 45 questions he wants answers to from the district council (listed at:www.horsham.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/11443/ID-02-HDPF-Inspectors-Matters-and-Issues.pdf).

On Tuesday, 11 November when North Horsham is discussed the Inspector wants answers to: ‘What will be the impacts on the landscape, and the strategic gap between Horsham and Crawley?’ and ‘Are there any overriding constraints, for example regarding flooding, agricultural and loss or biodiversity impacts that cannot be mitigated satisfactorily? Do any such effects prevent development as a matter of policy?’ and ‘Can necessary infrastructure, including a new railway station, be delivered?’ and ‘What will be the implications for highway congestion and traffic safety?

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