LETTER: The biggest gamble of all

So now we know. The word '˜gamble' is defined in the Oxford dictionary as '˜take a risky action in the hope of a desired result' and '˜a risky undertaking or enterprise.' I suggest that both may well have applied to Abid Gulzar's decision to acquire the pier.

We have been told his intention was to benefit the people of Eastbourne but his first action was to rob the fishermen of their rights to fish from the end of the pier and threaten a £2 entry fee. Since then a number of ‘good intentions’ have so far come to nought as a result of his obvious planning of a casino project.

Mr Gulzar states ‘it would bring extra income to the town’ and suggests it would ‘boost our economy’. The extra income will go straight to him with only his bank balanc