Littlehampton beach in finals of tourism competition

LITTLEHAMPTON’S beach made the finals of an international tourism competition, pitched against rivals from across Europe.

The town’s Blue Flag-winning Coastguards Beach and Bognor’s East Beach combined in a joint Arun entry in the Vision/Destinet European Sustainable Tourism Awards (VESTAS).

Arun was just one of five areas from the UK put forward for the awards by Keep Britain Tidy in the Most Sustainable and Responsible Destination Category. And although the title eventually went to the Pielachtal region of Austria, Arun representatives believe the competition has raised the district’s profile as a tourism destination.

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Littlehampton’s longest bench also made its mark at the awards ceremony in Berlin earlier this month, with images of the seafront stretched seat displayed on the screen for all to see.

Phil Graham, events manager for Arun, drew up the district’s entry for the awards. He said: “I saw the awards as a great opportunity to raise the profile of our district across the whole of Europe.

“I feel the awards have really boosted our position in the European tourism market.”

Littlehampton’s beach has also featured on the travel website which has more than 450,000 registered users.

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