Heroes will shine as we launch the Herald and Gazette Community Stars

All thw winners from the 

Worthing Community Stars Award 2014All thw winners from the 

Worthing Community Stars Award 2014
All thw winners from the Worthing Community Stars Award 2014
WHETHER it is a community-minded volunteer, a serial fundraiser or an individual who is simply inspirational, we all know someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty.

And now is the chance to let them shine as the Herald and Gazette series launches this year’s Community Stars Awards .

“We are asking you, our fantastic readers to nominate those unsung heroes and deserving people or groups who you think deserve recognition for the valuable contribution they play in our community,” said community content deputy editor Kelly Brown.

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“It could be someone who has inspired you by overcoming a personal hurdle or it could be a long-serving volunteer whose actions have made a huge difference to our area.”

In a change to last year there are now four main categories for the awards – youth awards, charity awards community awards and heroes in our community – which all recognise different parts of our community.

In each category there are three awards given with readers invited to nominate people or groups who they think deserve the honour.

Kelly said: “Our youth categories really celebrate the best of our young people and youth groups in the area.

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“The charity awards recognise the fundraisers, volunteers and the charities themselves while the community awards celebrate the real contribution individuals make every day.

“We also have a special heroes in the community category which puts the focus on our emergency workers, our community health heroes and those who look after animals and make a real difference to us all as part of their every days lives.”

Readers have until October to put forward their nominations, after which we will print a shortlist and our Herald and Gazette readers will cast their votes and choose the winners, with the papers choosing an additional winner from the nominees for our special achievement award.

The winners will then be announced at a special awards ceremony on December 3, 2015, at Worthing College.

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