Collisions with animals are rising - here's what to do if you hit an animal with your car

Different rules apply to different animals (Photo: Shutterstock)Different rules apply to different animals (Photo: Shutterstock)
Different rules apply to different animals (Photo: Shutterstock)

Insurer Admiral has reported a spike in cases of drivers hitting wildlife during lockdown.

While it remains a relatively small issue, data from the insurer shows that the number of claims for hitting an animal has more than doubled, from 0.7 to two per cent of all incidents since March 23.

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Deer are the most common victims but Admiral has also see a rise in claims for damage caused by collisions with pheasants.

Lorna Connelly, head of claims at Admiral commented: “There have been several reports of more wild animals venturing onto the quieter roads and these could be catching drivers by surprise. There’s a risk that incidents involving wildlife could increase further when people venture to rural areas and beauty spots as lockdown measures are relaxed.”

How to deal with hitting an animal

It’s a sickening feeling - that moment when an animal runs out if front of your car and there’s nothing you can do to avoid it. But once you’ve got over the shock of the collision, what action should you take?

Under the Road Traffic Act (1988), you must report to police any collision with certain types of animal. This includes dogs, horses, cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, donkeys and mules.

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