HOR 311007 Firework display at St Peter's Church, Upper Beeding. DMHOR 311007 Firework display at St Peter's Church, Upper Beeding. DM
HOR 311007 Firework display at St Peter's Church, Upper Beeding. DM

Spooktacular fun - how Horsham district celebrated Halloween and Bonfire Night in 2007

The end of October and beginning of November is a time to kick back and have a bit of a laugh and celebrate as the long nights start to draw in.

Whether you are going to a bonfire night with a fireworks display, trick or treating with your friends or organising a fancy-dress party there is plenty to look forward to in the period around Halloween.

Every year our photographers were out and about taking a selection of pictures and 2007 – fifteen years ago – was no different.

Two Jolesfield School pupils are pictured with their winning pumpkin (careful boys don’t smash it).

Fancy dress was the order of the day at Horsham hairdressers as staff at A Touch Above, Scissor Sisters and Studio 2 have embraced the spooky Halloween spirit.

Meanwhile children are shown having a wonderful time at a fireworks display at St Peter’s Church in Upper Beeding.